Student Attendance
Good attendance at school is intrinsically linked to high attainment and positive wellbeing. Accordingly, Goffs-Churchgate Academy places huge importance on our students attending school every day.
There is no doubt about the correlation between strong exam scores and attendance. Students who attend all classes regularly advance more than half a GCSE grade above the national average in all subjects.
Students who attend less than 90% of classes receive a grade below in each subject.
Maximising School Attendance
- Children need to go to school regularly and punctually
- Goffs-Churchgate’s attendance target is 97% and above.
- If you are having problems getting your child to school, please contact us. We will discuss the attendance issues with you and work together to put a plan in place.
- Develop consistent evening and morning routines with your child.
- Regularly talk to your child about their school day.
- Please try to book medical appointments after school
As we so often talk about during our transition process and at all parent information sessions, we believe that a strong home-school relationship is key in supporting every student. An area which relies heavily on this relationship is attendance. We know how important your child’s education is to you and how every parent strives for the best outcomes for their child. Good school attendance plays an integral part of student outcomes at the end of each year and particularly, cumulatively at the end of year 11.
The vast majority of our students have excellent attendance. We are very proud of these students. Congratulations to each child who has 96% and above attendance, which is our school basic expectation for each child.
As you can see from the table below, every day that is missed equates to 5 hours of learning lost.
As a school we have a dedicated pastoral team who are available to support any student where attendance is a concern. We aim to work together to address any concerns and improve attendance.
Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their child is accessing their education through good school attendance.
In cases where there is persistent and severe absences, the school follows the national threshold as set out in legislation to implement attendance procedures around fining and prosecution. More information around this can be found here:
We recognise that for the vast majority of our students attendance is not a concern and we want to reward students for this. Our rewards system aims to do this.
R27 - Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2025/26
Absence Procedure
At lunchtime pupils in Years 7 to 11 must remain on the school site.
Late arrivals/Early departures
If a student arrives late to school, he or she must sign in at Student Services before going to lessons.
Any students leaving before the end of the school day for any reason must sign out at Student Services before they leave.
Students may only leave early if we have previously been advised by a parent by email , telephone or letter or have a signed note in their planner from a parent explaining the reasons. This note must be shown at Student Services when signing out.
Absences due to illness
If a student is absent or late due to illness, or an appointment, the parent must inform the school either by telephone before 8.15am and on each subsequent day the student is absent or an email to A specific reason must be given for the absence.
Leave of absence during term time
Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, headteachers and principals are no longer able to decide whether to grant time for a family vacation or to grant parents or carers extended leave to visit their home country throughout the school year.
Children would lose out on important educational time if they were to miss school throughout the school term. Unauthorised absences from school may result in fines or legal action being taken against you if your child misses’ school due to a holiday that was not agreed upon.
Before making any plans, you must apply to the school if you believe that the reason for the absence is extraordinary. Then, the school will determine whether the absence can be authorised.
To request such an absence, please contact the school to acquire the Leave of Absence Form.
Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance
HCC Statutory Attendance - Helping Parents understand penalty notice fines