Curriculum Model

At Goffs-Churchgate Academy, we believe that a well-rounded curriculum goes beyond traditional subjects, encompassing skill development, inclusivity, career preparation, mental health support, and fostering a sense of community. Our curriculum is carefully designed to empower every student, ensuring they not only excel academically but also develop essential life skills and a strong sense of identity. 

As students’ progress and reach the end of Key Stage 3 at the end of Year 9, they choose to focus on subject specialisms. Our inspirational teaching allows students to not only gain qualifications at the highest levels but to also develop as creative thinkers and independent, lifelong learners. 

By the time a Goffs-Churchgate student enters further education they have a wide knowledge in their chosen subject areas, but a broader education that exceeds the confines of GCSE and A Level courses. 

Academic study is an integral part of life at Goffs-Churchgate. Whilst learning is well-supported, engaging and inspiring; scholarship, perseverance, and hard work also form part of our high expectations and aspirations for students. 

With the support and guidance of specialist teachers, our students’ love of learning thrives and lasts a lifetime. Students have access to a busy, well-resourced library offering a diverse range of texts to supplement their studies and interests, and foster a love of reading. 

Creative thinking is a key element within our curriculum design.  Goffs-Churchgate students are actively encouraged to think ‘outside of the box.’ They are inspired to be intellectually fearless, pushing boundaries in order to break conventions, to re-imagine the future for society and its citizens, creating new and amazing ideas. 

The curriculum at Goffs-Churchgate is diverse and inclusive. We ensure that all students see themselves in the curriculum, are known, valued and are exposed to figures that will inspire them. Our students are encouraged to be non-conformist, to be the trendsetters and trailblazers of the future. 

To support academic success and mental health and well-being, we prioritise the teaching and delivery of RSE and Health Education (commonly jointly referred to as RSHE) by providing every year group with a weekly session. We also work closely with a number of specialist organisations to support our students to deliver high quality sessions so that they are well-informed, able to make positive, healthy decisions and keep themselves and each other safe. 

We also encourage students to develop a passion for learning and become increasingly self-directed to study through the range of Higher Projects that are offered (HPQs). 

Students study the following National Curriculum Subjects at Goffs-Churchgate 

Goffs table

  1. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum. All of our students take GCSE English Language, GCSE English Literature, GCSE Mathematics.  
  2. A number of our students will choose highly academic subjects which will qualify them to meet the standards required for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), a measure that has been identified to ensure students are prepared for academic careers. We do not believe that this route is suitable for all our students and allow pupils to choose the subjects that they are passionate about, rather than forcing them into set pathways. 
  3. Prince’s Trust and Asdan courses are also available for some students. 
  4. All pupils have one period of PSHE/RSE and a period of Citizenship per fortnight (on alternate weeks). 
  5. We encourage students to develop a passion for learning and become increasingly self-directed to study through the range of Higher Projects that are offered (HPQs). 
Key Features of Our Curriculum: 

Focus on Skill Development: 

Our curriculum emphasises skill development in every subject, breaking down topics into big ideas and equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to grasp them effectively. This structured approach allows students to see the progression of their learning journey clearly. 

Emphasis on Literacy and Oracy: 

Recognizing the importance of literacy skills, particularly at Key Stage 3, we prioritise literacy and oracy development. Our curriculum aims to bridge any gaps in literacy mastery from primary school, ensuring all students are equipped with the essential communication skills for success. 

Representation of Our Diverse Community: 

We are committed to ensuring our curriculum reflects the diversity of our community. Significant changes have been made, particularly in the Key Stage 3 English Curriculum, to introduce students to a diverse range of authors and stories, promoting inclusivity and cultural awareness. 

Engaging, Relevant, and Achievable Courses: 

Our curriculum offers a broad range of subjects, including technology, art, drama, music, PE, and ICT, ensuring students have opportunities to explore their interests and talents. We prioritize engaging and relevant courses, protecting our broad curriculum at Key Stage 3 and promoting the full Ebacc pathway for all students. 

Ambitious and Challenging for All Students: 

We provide a challenging curriculum for all students, including those with SEND, ensuring that every individual has access to a robust and relevant education. All students have the opportunity to study a language, fostering cultural understanding and global awareness. 

Focus on Character Development: 

Through initiatives like Character Charter, technology lessons, PE, drama, and music, we aim to develop essential life skills such as resilience, organization, and leadership. Curriculum enrichment days further enhance students' personal and social development. 

Careers Development: 

Our integrated Careers plan prepares students for the workplace, offering opportunities such as work experience, careers days, mock interviews, and partnerships with colleges and sixth forms. We prioritise exposing students to real-world experiences and pathways to further education and employment. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Development: 

Our curriculum is designed to support students' mental health and wellbeing, with dedicated initiatives and partnerships with organizations like HertsMIND. We prioritise mental health education and provide support services within the school community. 

Opportunities for Capital Culture Development: 

We offer a range of extracurricular activities and trips to promote capital culture, including visits to cultural landmarks, talks on important topics, and experiences that broaden students' horizons beyond the classroom. 

Teaching of RS, RSE, SMSC, and British Values: 

We explicitly teach respect, tolerance, and British values across all years, ensuring that every student feels accepted and valued within our school community. 

Supporting Pastoral Needs: 

We pride ourselves on the exceptional support we provide to every child, including access to learning support areas, mental health services, mentoring, counselling, and a dedicated team of staff members committed to student wellbeing. 

At Goffs-Churchgate Academy, our curriculum is more than just a series of lessons; it's a holistic approach to education that prepares students for success in school and beyond. Join us on this journey of discovery, growth, and empowerment.