17th November Herts MIND - Year 8 Five Ways to Wellbeing WorkshopsOn Monday 16th November 2020, as part of ‘Just Talk’ week Herts MIND attended Goffs-Churchgate Academy to complete four ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’ workshops for all year 8 pupils. Carol Lilley and Hannah Lewis ran the workshops. P...
13th November STEM CareersPlease find attached details of an exciting virtual careers opportunity in Stevenage, related to STEM careers Generation-Stevenage-Press-Release-Skills-and-Apprenticeship-Minister-backs-Gen-S.pdf
3rd November Mental Health Dayhttps://www.inyourarea.co.uk/news/waltham-cross-school-engages-pupils-in-world-mental-health-day-workshops/