23rd October NewsletterOur latest newsletter can be found at: https://goffschurchgate.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/document/Newsletter-October-2020-2.pdf?t=1603389191?ts=1603389247
6th October Appointment of Head Boy and Head GirlOn Monday 5th October 2020, our Head Boy and Head Girl were voted for by our school community. Previously this decision has been carefully made by staff, however it was felt that as the Head Boy and Head Girl represented the student body, ...
5th October Black History MonthFollow the link below to find out more about how Goffs-Churchgate Academy is marking Black History Month across the school: https://www.goffschurchgate.herts.sch.uk/1217/black-history-month-october-2020
4th October Mental Health Day - Saturday 10th October 2020This week, in preparation for World Mental Health Day on Saturday 10th October 2020, we have a range of activities planned for our students and staff. These include: Year 7 - 5 Ways to Wellbeing Workshops Staff wellbeing sessions Parents V...