22nd July Final Assembly of the YearFind out who won the House Cup, Sports Day, and the new form names for next year https://youtu.be/e-abjEd0b-8
6th July Reading ListAs we approach the summer holidays, why not spend some time reading some books from our school's reading list https://www.goffschurchgate.herts.sch.uk/704/reading-lists
26th March End of Term Letter and NewsletterPlease find below the package of letters and newsletters we sent out to Parents/Carers today End-of-Term-Letter-March-2021.pdf Goffs-Churchgate-MH-and-Wellbeing-newsletter-Easter-edition-2021-1-1.pdf Careers-Week-and-Red-Nose-Day.pdf
4th February Time to Talk DayThursday 4th February 2021, was Time to Talk Day, a particularly important day, given the current lockdown that we are in. Mr Clune's powerpoint that was shared with students can be viewed below: Time-to-Talk-2021.pptx